This Current Magazine is produced for the enjoyment of the the world of cyber space. If anyone wants to to put their share (Art work, Poetry, Stories or anything else that they would like to see plus suggestions.) into it just send your Ideas / Art work to:
210 Grove Acre #24
Pacific Grove, CA 93950
To continue the progress of this magazine it would help if a 2.00 dollar subscribtion fee was paid. This is completly volunteer and no limitations are made by this fee you do not need to pay this fee to see your Ideas / Art work in this magazine or to distribute it. Though this magazine is copywrited and may not be reproduced in any way shape or form without the explit permission form the magazine itself.
Editors Psychobabble
Off the Lip
This Magazine is produced By HVDR Publishing
A couple notes of compatability:
If there is any trouble with the display of pictures, it might be that Quicktime is not installed. The pictures in here are usually 24 bit, and to save space, they've been compressed. This will probably make this publication unviewable to much of the Mac community, but you have to draw the line somewhere. If there is an expressed interest in releasing a duplicate version with adaptive palette 8 bit graphics, we can do that as well. It would make the file-size larger, and wouldn't look as good if you have a 24 bit monitor. But it would insure compatability with the lesser machines.
If there is any trouble with the placement of text and graphics on the page, it might be your screen is too small. This was made with at least a 13" screen in mind. To increase readability, the thing you might have to do is print it out and read that copy. We don't want you to kill a tree so you can see. But don't deprive yourself of a pleasurable reading experience.
Copyright 1994 HVDR Publishing all rights reserved